Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Katie and Daisy

*The following post is dedicated to my dog-loving niece Katie, who is one of my three (count'em 3!) followers and who also made a comment this weekend about my lack of blog updates recently. Sadly, that comment is correct and so here is another post...just for you Katie! BTW, she turns 21 next week.

So, now on to the REAL subject of this blog post...Daisy.

I had a chance to meet Daisy this weekend on a trip to my hometown of Austin Minnesota, also home of Spam (the "lunchmeat") and hometown of John Madden (true factoid). Daisy is a Brittany Spaniel who excels at doing what Brittany Spaniels are bred to do, point. At birds, specifically but she also points at the occasional squirrel or other yard intruder.

Dennis is Daisy's owner and he says he sometimes has trouble finding Daisy when they are out hunting in tall grass or brush because she is too busy pointing to come when called. Pointing is a great help to the hunter, but only if the hunter can see the pointer!

Daisy eases into a first time meeting by sniffing your mouth. I think she just wonders what you had to eat for your last meal or something. Other than that, she's very calm and has a easy-going personality, likes her car rides, and gets an occasional doggie bag leftover from the restaurant. Just don't try to tell Daisy that it's really rude to point!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Gallery Night

Gallery night has come and gone at Nutzy Mutz & Crazy Catz on Lakeside Street. It was held last Friday - a really nice, cold, misty November kind of day. I thought it turned out really well. Liz Perry, store owner, and her husband Garrett hosted the event and made some totally kick-ass appetizers. Actually, I think people showed up mostly for the food once the smell wafted through the building.

But despite the lousy weather, we had a nice turnout and met some very interesting people. Pictured above is some of the good food (top) and Liz Perry and myself (bottom).

Shop cat unimpressed with all the dog photography

A big shout-out is necessary for all the people that donated easels for Gallery Night! Have you priced easels lately? They are outrageous for what they are...three sticks and a little chain. Anyway, thanks to Tim, Nina, and Sasha for the help. And lastly, a really big thank you to my lovely assistant/wife Rose who kept me on task constantly and put in a lot of work to make this event a success! She can do amazing things with picture hanging wire by the way.

Hope to see you at Gallery Night 2011. Just don't eat before you go...