Saturday, December 26, 2009

Santa visits Dog Grin Photography

Santa paid a visit to me over the Christmas holiday via one of his UPS messengers. Wrapped amidst some bubble wrap, inside a #4 brown cardboard shipping box was a new copy of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2! Just what I've ALWAYS wanted! How did Santa know???

I've been reading about the virtues of Lightroom on blogs by some excellent dog photographers like Erin Vey and Jamie Pflughoeft (don't ask me how to say that last one), and decided that Lightroom 2 was the next thing to tackle in the never-ending quest to master this crazy thing we I already own all kinds of photo editing software but this one seems to be a real time saver when it comes to "workflow", the process of taking an image from your digital media through a series of edits and file conversions to ultimately wind up with a finished product. The trick is to do this in the least number of steps possible to save time and to do the least amount of damage to the file. Unnecessary steps or conversions can damage an image by degrading it's quality - and that's always bad. The time savings becomes important when you come home from a shoot with 400 images that need to be kept or tossed - cropped, color corrected, tweaked, touched up, and finally saved (with a backup of course).

Every photographer has a different workflow. Mine is still under development, especially with this new tool in the toolbox. I fully expect it to become much more streamlined and efficient in the very near future. That will leave me with more time to cruise the web sites looking for great deals on Canon camera equipment so I can work on THAT toolbox. :)

More on Lightroom 2 to come after I drive it around the block a few times and kick the virtual tires.

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